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Why hire a Private Investigator in a criminal matter?

Private investigators can assist with criminal defense cases by:

  • Gathering and documenting evidence missed in the initial investigation

  • Interviewing additional witnesses who may have relevant information

  • Reviewing and analyzing existing evidence to identify inconsistencies

  • Conducting background research on key witnesses

  • Photographing or documenting relevant locations

  • Searching for witnesses who haven't yet come forward

However, some important considerations:

If you're under investigation for a crime, your first step should be consulting with a criminal defense attorney. They can:

  • Protect your legal rights

  • Determine if/when a private investigator would be helpful

  • Help maintain attorney-client privilege

  • Direct the investigator's work appropriately

  • Ensure all evidence is gathered legally

Important Considerations:

If you're under investigation, first consult a criminal defense attorney. They can protect your rights, determine if a private investigator would be helpful, maintain attorney-client privilege, direct the investigator's work, and ensure all evidence is gathered legally.

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